Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gprnt Hub?

Our community Hub brings together ESG fintechs, investors and industry experts to discuss, collaborate and innovate new ESG data-related solutions and services. These aim to address the needs of corporates and financial institutions, notably in terms of accurately measuring, reporting and verifying climate and sustainability-related data.

The Hub will principally be developed as digital community. However, a physical facility is also accessible at The Great Room co-working space, located at 63 Robinson Road in Singapore. Please contact us if you wish to explore tenanting opportunities.

What does the Gprnt Hub offer?

Being a part of the Hub grants you access to collaboration, resource access, networking and knowledge exchange opportunities.

How do I become a member of the Hub?

To become a member just simply sign up for a Hub Newsletter and get updated on events and programmes.

What are the costs associated with membership?

There are no costs associated with membership.

What events and programs does the Hub offer?

The Hub will run series of programs that are focussed on topics of interest within the ESG sphere. Members of the Hub are encouraged to host, co-brand or propose gatherings and topics of discussion that involve the community.

How can I contact the Hub?

You can contact the Hub at